Vote Don Burnette

Don Burnette for Volusia County Chair

Vote Don Burnette for Volusia County Chair

Don's Plan for Volusia

  • Keep property taxes low
  • Continue to Improve transportation & traffic
  • Maintain high quality community
  • Support Law Enforcement and Public Safety
  • Empower local business
  • Make development smarter
  • Maintain high quality of life in Volusia County

Supporting our Sheriff/Public Safety​

I have always maintained that to ensure a high quality of life in our community public safety is our highest priority. Since 2017, Port Orange has consistently been named among the safest cities in our state. Just like in Port Orange, it is vital we give Sheriff Chitwood the resources needed to hire, staff and equip a department that continues to put the safety of the citizens of our county as its highest priority.

Likewise, the importance of support for Volusia’s Emergency Management Services and their capabilities were seen when we were visited by Hurricanes Ian and Nichole in 2022. This includes before, during, and well-after the storms pass us. Recovery is quick for some, slower for others. Each storm gives us lessons we must learn to handle the next one better. A resilient Volusia is one that will be ready for the challenges of future storms, and a return to the quality of life for our friends and neighbors in Volusia!

Keeping Property taxes affordable

As a public official, I take the handling of residents’ taxes very seriously. People should not be paying for more than what they are getting. That’s why over the last 10 years, since I’ve been on the Port Orange city council, I have been opposed to raising taxes that don’t pay for essential services for our citizens.

Port Orange has among the lowest property taxes in Volusia County, and it’s no coincidence that we are also the premier family-friendly community.

Smart Fiscal Management

Ensuring that property taxes are low means spending money only where it makes sense. I have spent countless hours working with the City Manager and colleagues on the City Council in Port Orange examining programs and projects to gain efficiencies or shed those that don’t work.  I bring that same experience in balancing the needs of our citizens with the priority of maintaining low taxes.

Prioritizing and assessing both when and where a need belongs in the budget ensures we aren’t haphazardly spending your money wastefully, but rather building and ensuring quality of life investments in our community.  I want to bring to county council a smart, fiscally sound approach to ensure the future of Volusia!